Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reflection of passion

One of my favorite musicians is Yanni. If you don't know him, please do me a favor and look him up on YouTube, you won't regret it. Anyways, I’m using a title from one of his songs for my last blog because it clearly represents what I want to say. I don’t want to write about some random fact I learned today or an unusual observation; I just want to reflect on what I have learned with this blog.
I started this semester with the conviction that I would try to get into Method Creative because I wanted to create ads. And you know what? I’m not even doing the application. I’m a very indecisive person, but I know for sure that the creative track of advertising is not for me.
This class is, until now, my favorite class at SMU. Starting with the mindmap, I discovered that I liked drawing connections between topics and representing them visually. I like making things look good and thinking about many things at a time. Then I began getting more into this blog, and realized that I liked it.

As the semester kept going and we kept learning about job positions at advertising agencies, I began to get confused. Art Director or Media Planner? Account Planner or Account Manager? I respect those people that will devote the rest of their college years to Method Creative, but I will not. I will devote it to some other part of the advertising program and right now I’m leaning towards Media. Perhaps it will change next semester. I decided that I love being creative, but I will channel this creativity towards other paths. As we learned in class, creativity is needed at all times and everywhere!
This blog was my favorite part of my favorite class…that’s pretty important. It made me rediscover a passion for writing. Sometime in the future I would like to become a writer; this blog made this dream come alive again.
Since all of our blog entries must convey a bigger message, I want to say that I hope you can use this story as an example of how dynamic life is. You think you know everything about yourself, but it only takes one little moment to swipe you off your feet and make you learn new stuff.

This is giving me Nostalgia.

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