Thursday, September 3, 2009

ARTful ADvertising

I consider that all ads are forms of art...of course, some better than others. Today I want to show you some of the forms of advertising that I consider to be top examples of "artsy" works:

1. Target's "Billboards to Bags" from Mother, New York.

I love Target and their campaigns. This huge billboard was just installed in NYC, in the famous Times Square. How more artistic can advertising get? I mean, Mother and 4 local artists designed this chic billboard, which will then be transformed into designer bags. I think this innovative way of advertising will positively impact our creative using art, Target will make us "expect more" from the creatives in the industry.
In short,
Bright colors + Funky shapes + Eco-friendliness = Creative Genius
Thanks, Mother and Target.

2. Hyundai's "Life Shapes" from The Richards Group, Dallas.

This TV spot is an older one (and local!), but its age doesn't take away its artistic originality. The interpretative dance demonstrates us that agencies can use different forms of art to sell. We're used to seeing only the visual arts represented in ads, but this one makes us change our ideas.
The composition is simple (no colors are needed) and the art is complex. The dancers tell us that the new Hyundai Pilobolus is more than just a car, it's a work of art.

3. Sprint's "Light films" by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco.

This ad amazes me. I used to play with sparklers during the holidays, so this spot brings back childhood memories every time I watch it.
The combination of lights, colors, darkness and reality makes the world seem so much better by bringing visual delight to the eyes of the beholder. It brings out the surreal and mixes it into our reality, while invoking our past to make a point about the present.
I love this one in particular because it transmits positive feelings.

4. Ariel's "Hotdog" for the "Be prepared for Ariel" campaign by Saatchi & Saatchi, Guangzhou.

Cool. Explosive mustard coming out of a hotdog...minus the consequences. It's like everyone's nightmare becoming a reality, but through art. I'm impressed by the way this agency brought to the table something so ordinary and transformed it into an original, creative piece.

5. Honda Civic's "Choir" by Wieden + Kennedy, London.

Another oldie (2005), but I couldn't not include music into my ARTful ADvertising post. I can say that all, or almost all, ads have some background music in them, but none of them even get close to this ad's musical quality. As soon as it starts playing, the sounds created by the choir become the main focus of the spot, making this one, one of the most inventive ads I've ever seen.
We tend to ignore everyday sounds, but this ads reminds us that there's art everywhere around us.

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