Friday, April 10, 2009

I don't blame them

Today is a very religious day for many people. It's Good Friday. But we might forget what this day is about because of the environment around us. This is why I want to encourage parents to be role models for their kids, and show them the real meaning of this time.
When we were having breakfast, my brothers were really bothering my mom by talking about their plans (with their friends) for the day, they literally had the whole day planned. This is when my mom decided to tell them, "You know? you shouldn't be planing to play that much right now; Jesus Christ died today. It is not a day to celebrate." They remained silent for the rest of breakfast.
I don't blame my brothers for not knowing how to act on this day, but the environment they (or we) live in. For them, today is a break from school, not a religious day that should be observed with respect. It is against the law for public schools to make religious distinctions between "breaks" throughout the year, so instead they just call them "Staff Development Days" or other names.
This is why I think parents should be teaching their children the real meaning behind those "Staff Development Days" which only mean for the majority of the students "NO SCHOOL."
This brings me to another point: isn't it ironic how these "Staff Development Days" are only assigned during the Christian holidays? Don't you think the government is more involved in religion than what we think?

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