Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ohh how time goes by

Querida Pia pequeña,

This is you from the future. You may be asking yourself why I'm writing you this letter: it's not to prevent mistakes, because mistakes will only make you better, but to give you some advice.
You now think you have all your future planned out: you'll be an acclaimed dietitian with your own private practice in Xalapa, working some afternoons only because your family is your #1 priority. I will let you discover the surprises that will come along the way but, first of all, let me warn you that you might not even be living in Mexico. Shocking, right? This is why you must always keep an open mind. After all, change isn't so bad, we all need it once in a while. Learn new stuff and discover new passions. (Hint: art)
Also, don't stress too much with school. It's NOT worth it. Grades are just that, so don't sweat it. Instead, spend some more time doing other stuff. Read, walk around the city, make new friends. What you learn from those experiences will be more useful and valuable. I can say that the grades you are receiving now won't even matter in future years; no one cares how much you scored on those tests where you had to memorize all the useless facts. But...don't go to the other extreme of the situation; please don't fail.
Starting your first year high school isn't an easy thing to do..."fitting in" is important for you and "rebellion" is at its peak. Do you know what will get you through rough times? Your family. That's right. You may think now that your siblings aren't cool & your parents don't understand you, but I have learned with time that they are your best friends. They know you better than you do and they will always help you when you need it. Grow close to them. Which brings me to my next point: open your eyes and value your real friends, those who really care about you, not your "friends". It's sad, but only a handful of the people you know now will stay around and/or keep in touch after years have passed. These are your true friends and you surely know who I'm talking about.
Lastly, I want to say that you should try all the things you want to. You won't regret them. You'll learn to fail and to succeed. Enjoy every moment!

Pia from the future.

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