This event made me have a flashback to my childhood. I have to admit I get scared very easily, so my parents would always tell me, "Don't be afraid of insects/animals, who is bigger? They should be afraid of you, not you of them." Well, let me tell you that this quote, although it has offered some peace of mind and temporary relief, it hasn't made the terror go away. For example, whenever I see a cockroach I can't avoid running away. They repulse me. I can't stand wasps. I hate rats (yes, I lived in the countryside...and there were a lot of them just wandering around). I'm sorry I'm being so negative, but I can't help it. Why do they have to exist?
As I kept walking to my class, I reminded myself that I was the human being. The person that was bigger than the squirrel (or any other animal/insect that could cross my way this afternoon). I kept telling myself that I had to be strong.
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