Saturday, April 11, 2009

Operation Abort

I believe in America, I believe in freedom. This is why I declare myself as being Pro-Choice: I support abortion.

Abortion is a "hot" subject in today's culture. Pro-Choice people stand proudly against the Pro-Life, but who is right? Who supports the "right thing"? I don't intend to convince anyone out there to become an active supporter of abortion; I will just give you my arguments & opinions so you can decide what you believe in.

Abortion is the intended act of removing a fetus or embryo from a woman's womb. Note the words "fetus" and "embryo." These do not mean the same as "baby". They are not human because they lack the characteristics that distinguish human beings, one of which is the capacity to reason. So to make my next arguments I have to clarify that fetuses are not equal to humans.

Many women decide to recur to abortion because their health is at risk, they have an unwanted pregnancy, or they will not be able to take care of the child. Why have a baby that will only suffer in this world after the mom suffered first? Women should be able to decide what they do with their bodies. It is their responsibility to make the right decisions and the government shouldn't restrict our freedom to choose.

Lastly, I have to say that the issue here isn't becoming a murderer. Pro-life groups oppose abortion because they say that this act is equal to murder. It is not. Murder is killing a person, and a fetus (or embryo) isn't a person.

So don't be afraid of abortion. We live in a liberal and open-minded society. Support what you believe in.

[I actually don't support abortion, but for this blog entry I decided to write as if I did. It wasn't an easy experience. It made me step out of my comfort zone. I am a very convinced Pro-Life person]

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