Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is this a joke?

I thought we had passed the era of negatively stereotyping minorities, but after watching this ad, we're apparently not. I can't believe this ad was approved when it has "CONTROVERSIAL" written all over it! I actually have 2 different opinions regarding this ad, which depend on which "shoes" I step into. I will explain them.

[As an advertising student]
Referring to what I said on a previous post about being responsible, this is the type of ad that makes the whole industry of advertising look bad; our image gets trashed by just a tiny ad. Thanks BK. I'm not against stereotypes, but why do some advertisers still use them in a negative way? Think about this: if you were Mexican, wouldn't you feel insulted? The whole race is being represented as a little "lucha libre" wrestler.

[As a native Mexican]
I don't want to say that this ad is appropriate, but I do have to admit that it is pretty funny. I guess that being Mexican allows me to laugh about the stereotype, which, although it is exaggerated, is somewhat true. What also made me laugh was the immediate connection I made with Nacho Libre (Gotta love Jack Black in that movie).

In general, I feel bad for the advertising industry that has to take the blame for this company's bad decision. Hopefully ads like this will disappear in the future, but nothing is guaranteed.

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