Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reflection of passion

One of my favorite musicians is Yanni. If you don't know him, please do me a favor and look him up on YouTube, you won't regret it. Anyways, I’m using a title from one of his songs for my last blog because it clearly represents what I want to say. I don’t want to write about some random fact I learned today or an unusual observation; I just want to reflect on what I have learned with this blog.
I started this semester with the conviction that I would try to get into Method Creative because I wanted to create ads. And you know what? I’m not even doing the application. I’m a very indecisive person, but I know for sure that the creative track of advertising is not for me.
This class is, until now, my favorite class at SMU. Starting with the mindmap, I discovered that I liked drawing connections between topics and representing them visually. I like making things look good and thinking about many things at a time. Then I began getting more into this blog, and realized that I liked it.

As the semester kept going and we kept learning about job positions at advertising agencies, I began to get confused. Art Director or Media Planner? Account Planner or Account Manager? I respect those people that will devote the rest of their college years to Method Creative, but I will not. I will devote it to some other part of the advertising program and right now I’m leaning towards Media. Perhaps it will change next semester. I decided that I love being creative, but I will channel this creativity towards other paths. As we learned in class, creativity is needed at all times and everywhere!
This blog was my favorite part of my favorite class…that’s pretty important. It made me rediscover a passion for writing. Sometime in the future I would like to become a writer; this blog made this dream come alive again.
Since all of our blog entries must convey a bigger message, I want to say that I hope you can use this story as an example of how dynamic life is. You think you know everything about yourself, but it only takes one little moment to swipe you off your feet and make you learn new stuff.

This is giving me Nostalgia.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

One day...

...two little boys rapidly tapped their pencils to their desks, irritating Mrs. Smith as each sound rebounded on the classroom’s walls. Jay and Ben impatiently waited for the big, round clock to mark 3:30, the magic numbers that indicated their freedom. As soon as they hear the loud {{BUZZ}} they ran as fast as they could, filled with joy as they sprinted towards Jay’s mom’s mini van.
Jay had invited Ben to his house. This was not the first time Ben went to his friend’s house in the school year; these boys had been inseparable since first grade. This afternoon Jay’s mom had an important meeting at work, so she wouldn’t be staying with the boys. Instead, she paid a babysitter to come over.
Jay and Ben weren’t very pleased with this idea; they were 4th graders, soon-to-be 5th graders! But as soon as Jay’s mom left the house and the babysitter came, they knew they had a fun afternoon ahead of them. The babysitter had warned them that she would be doing important work that was “none of their business,” so she could not be distracted.
They played some Wii tennis, navigated YouTube, watched some TiVoed shows, played a couple of foosball matches…and then they were bored. They were sick of being indoors. The day was pretty and they wanted to go outside. Since Jay lived in Villanova Street, a couple of blocks away from Preston Center, they knew they could walk to the plaza and spend some time there.
They tiptoed to the room where the babysitter was “studying” and only found her asleep, with drool coming down from one side of her mouth and a chemistry book laying open on the carpet floor. She was probably on her 5th dream and would not wake up soon. Jay and Ben rushed quietly to the door and breathed fresh air.
Jumping around, collecting sticks, and kicking stones from the ground, Jay and Ben eventually made it to Tom Thumb. They had forgotten their money, so they couldn’t buy the delicious Ben & Jerry’s that their mothers bought whenever they had play days. They instead decided to challenge themselves: they would steal a grocery cart. To their surprise, they succeeded in their little “mission impossible.”
No one noticed the two little kids entering the grocery store, so they grabbed the cart and ran as fast as they could towards Villanova, laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt. They knew they couldn’t take it all they way back to Jay’s house, so they just left the evidence of their mischievousness on the sidewalk and kept going their way before the babysitter woke up.

Today I was walking to my house (I rarely do, I enjoy the commodities of my car) when I saw at a distance this unusual artifact obstructing my way. Why was it impeding my peaceful walk of the day? Who had put it on the sidewalk?
If I only knew...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In my perfect world

In a perfect world there would be no wars, no sadness, peace and happiness...blah, blah, blah.

In my perfect world, ballroom dancing would be required at all schools. Yes. I support 100% the teaching of this dance, specially if kids can start at a young age.

Why? Well, I believe it teaches boys and girls (and men and women) how to respect each other. We rarely have active opportunities to learn how to coexist with the opposite sex. It's usually through mimicking others that we figure out this relationship. This is not an appropriate way of learning the rules.

Men learn to act as gentlemen and women learn to behave as ladies.

No matter what type of ballroom dance you do, you require a partner: a partner that supports & guides you. You must learn how to respect him/her because you both need to be able to move as one. More importantly, you must learn to respect yourself or no one on the dance floor will respect you. You learn to trust your partner.

You must carry yourself with grace and poise. This sounds girly but it's actually not. Dance with your shoulders back and your chin up. You will not only show the world that you are a good dancer, but this good posture will make you feel good about yourself and will elevate your self-esteem.

All of these benefits are reflected into real life benefits. You see my point? If early in their lives, children start learning how to behave appropriately, we should be able to see less violence in the future. But, I have to say, it's never late to start.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If it was only true

I like this commercial...but I wish I could believe it.
Do you really think that eating a Nutri Grain will stop you from eating junk food? I don't think so. It takes strength from the inside to accomplish your goals. Nutri Grain bars are certainly delicious but they are not miraculous.
I don't doubt the good intentions behind the agency that created this ad (perhaps they support healthy lifestyles) but just be careful with what you see. You're exposed to innumerable messages from the media everyday & you don't want to get lost in their world.
Just keep your feet on the ground.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009



To smile. To be good. To do well. To break through.
To break the rules. To rebel.
To comply. To surrender. To follow. To confront. To take the lead.
To continue. To stay. To maintain. To go with the flow. To change. To make a change.
To be unique. To evolve. To grow. To develop.

To hold on. To let go.
To be yourself. To wear multiple hats.
To be a man, to be a lady. To go crazy.
To think. To be smart. To make good choices. To be reasonable.

To keep your feet on the ground. To follow your instincts. To follow your heart.
To dream big. To keep it real.
To laugh. To cry.

Just be true to yourself and nothing else will matter.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ohh how time goes by

Querida Pia pequeña,

This is you from the future. You may be asking yourself why I'm writing you this letter: it's not to prevent mistakes, because mistakes will only make you better, but to give you some advice.
You now think you have all your future planned out: you'll be an acclaimed dietitian with your own private practice in Xalapa, working some afternoons only because your family is your #1 priority. I will let you discover the surprises that will come along the way but, first of all, let me warn you that you might not even be living in Mexico. Shocking, right? This is why you must always keep an open mind. After all, change isn't so bad, we all need it once in a while. Learn new stuff and discover new passions. (Hint: art)
Also, don't stress too much with school. It's NOT worth it. Grades are just that, so don't sweat it. Instead, spend some more time doing other stuff. Read, walk around the city, make new friends. What you learn from those experiences will be more useful and valuable. I can say that the grades you are receiving now won't even matter in future years; no one cares how much you scored on those tests where you had to memorize all the useless facts. But...don't go to the other extreme of the situation; please don't fail.
Starting your first year high school isn't an easy thing to do..."fitting in" is important for you and "rebellion" is at its peak. Do you know what will get you through rough times? Your family. That's right. You may think now that your siblings aren't cool & your parents don't understand you, but I have learned with time that they are your best friends. They know you better than you do and they will always help you when you need it. Grow close to them. Which brings me to my next point: open your eyes and value your real friends, those who really care about you, not your "friends". It's sad, but only a handful of the people you know now will stay around and/or keep in touch after years have passed. These are your true friends and you surely know who I'm talking about.
Lastly, I want to say that you should try all the things you want to. You won't regret them. You'll learn to fail and to succeed. Enjoy every moment!

Pia from the future.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is this a joke?

I thought we had passed the era of negatively stereotyping minorities, but after watching this ad, we're apparently not. I can't believe this ad was approved when it has "CONTROVERSIAL" written all over it! I actually have 2 different opinions regarding this ad, which depend on which "shoes" I step into. I will explain them.

[As an advertising student]
Referring to what I said on a previous post about being responsible, this is the type of ad that makes the whole industry of advertising look bad; our image gets trashed by just a tiny ad. Thanks BK. I'm not against stereotypes, but why do some advertisers still use them in a negative way? Think about this: if you were Mexican, wouldn't you feel insulted? The whole race is being represented as a little "lucha libre" wrestler.

[As a native Mexican]
I don't want to say that this ad is appropriate, but I do have to admit that it is pretty funny. I guess that being Mexican allows me to laugh about the stereotype, which, although it is exaggerated, is somewhat true. What also made me laugh was the immediate connection I made with Nacho Libre (Gotta love Jack Black in that movie).

In general, I feel bad for the advertising industry that has to take the blame for this company's bad decision. Hopefully ads like this will disappear in the future, but nothing is guaranteed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here's the deal

Men: I usually don't like stereotypes, but today I will make a list of what I know about you, about "your species." It will be up to you to determine if these are stereotypes or not. (Sorry about the generalizations)

1. Men are from Mars. That means that you guys are aliens!! Why is it so hard to figure out what you think or what you feel? I think I've got the answers...
2. Men are afraid of relationships. It's a cliché's true. I don't know if you are afraid of commitment or...I don't know. You tell me.
3. Men love the jungle. That is, they love living in a messy place without rules. Ohh, I can also add that they love assuming the role of the lion, "the king" of the jungle. I don't know what the deal with this is, but whenever I go into my brothers' room, I enter chaos.
4. Men can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. Remember that ad for Slimquick, the diet pill for women's weight loss? (If not:
5. If paradise was just for men, it would consist of video games, football & food...and of course, silence. That's it. No women around (they talk too much) but maybe some music would be alright.
6. Men are sensitive. They really do have a good heart. But they are afraid of what others may think of them if they admit it. This point makes me think that...
7. Men hate chick flicks. Is it because of the name of this category of movies? Of because you just love thinking the opposite of women?
8. Men love cars. I don't understand this...maybe because I don't understand men nor cars.
9. Like my good friend used to say: Men are like bathroom stalls, the good ones are always taken & the free ones are always full of crap. (Gracias, Cynthia)
10. Men like these do NOT exist (sadly...):

Guys out there: Sorry for appearing so feminist & hateful. It's just for fun. I was raised with 2 brothers, so I think I have some valid arguments :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Shock & Make your point

We have heard that, as an advertiser, bombarding your audience with shocking messages isn't the smartest thing to do. But this video proves the contrary; the images provide the "shock factor" in a good way:

I'm amazed at seeing Keira Knightley in this ad; she's a famous actress playing the role of a victim on a commercial instead of the typical sexy role. No wonder it made it into the "Creativity Top 5" for this week in The ad is shocking (it has very strong images, and content in general) but I think this shock is necessary to make their point. I really applaud Women's Aid (or their agency) for putting this together. It is a great way of spreading out the word of such a silent subject.

On the other hand, I also want to show you an example of a not-so-good use of shock that was successful. Absolut made this ad thinking of their "Hispanic" market but it got pulled out because it was too controversial. Actually the ad was successful because, although it was banned, it was shown across blogs & facebook and sent through email, a movement started by the intended audiences. As a member of the Mexican community, I have to say that I'm impressed by how the agency got in "our shoes;" this ad gives me the feeling that someone else (outside our community) understands our history and traditions. This is a very risky line I'm crossing, but I have to say that I do like this ad. Sorry US.

Despite my previous comment, I need to conclude that advertisers need to be more responsible in order to continue building a better image for our industry. The Absolut ad is funny, but I wouldn't encourage any more like that. Instead, I would support the creation of more ads like the Women's Aid one. We need to prove to the world that we care about the well-being of our society.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trapped between two worlds

Today I needed to write a letter to a potential summer Spanish. I thought this would obviously be easy; Spanish is my first language and I lived in Mexico. But I was wrong.

This task was much harder than I what I thought it would be. I can't believe I lost some "knowledge" of how to write appropriately in my language! Even though I speak in Spanish every day, I'm afraid I have lost my formal writing practice. Bummer. On the other hand, I can write well in English but when I speak it, I have an accent that reveals my foreign identity.

My residence status is another problem. I've been looking for information regarding a teaching program in France, where I could apply to assist English or Spanish teachers after graduation. I can't apply for the English position because I'm not a US citizen, and I can't apply for the Spanish position because I don't live in Mexico anymore. I'm not happy.

I'm now stuck between two worlds. Hannah Montana would say "I've got the best of both worlds" but...not in this case.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Operation Abort

I believe in America, I believe in freedom. This is why I declare myself as being Pro-Choice: I support abortion.

Abortion is a "hot" subject in today's culture. Pro-Choice people stand proudly against the Pro-Life, but who is right? Who supports the "right thing"? I don't intend to convince anyone out there to become an active supporter of abortion; I will just give you my arguments & opinions so you can decide what you believe in.

Abortion is the intended act of removing a fetus or embryo from a woman's womb. Note the words "fetus" and "embryo." These do not mean the same as "baby". They are not human because they lack the characteristics that distinguish human beings, one of which is the capacity to reason. So to make my next arguments I have to clarify that fetuses are not equal to humans.

Many women decide to recur to abortion because their health is at risk, they have an unwanted pregnancy, or they will not be able to take care of the child. Why have a baby that will only suffer in this world after the mom suffered first? Women should be able to decide what they do with their bodies. It is their responsibility to make the right decisions and the government shouldn't restrict our freedom to choose.

Lastly, I have to say that the issue here isn't becoming a murderer. Pro-life groups oppose abortion because they say that this act is equal to murder. It is not. Murder is killing a person, and a fetus (or embryo) isn't a person.

So don't be afraid of abortion. We live in a liberal and open-minded society. Support what you believe in.

[I actually don't support abortion, but for this blog entry I decided to write as if I did. It wasn't an easy experience. It made me step out of my comfort zone. I am a very convinced Pro-Life person]

Friday, April 10, 2009

I don't blame them

Today is a very religious day for many people. It's Good Friday. But we might forget what this day is about because of the environment around us. This is why I want to encourage parents to be role models for their kids, and show them the real meaning of this time.
When we were having breakfast, my brothers were really bothering my mom by talking about their plans (with their friends) for the day, they literally had the whole day planned. This is when my mom decided to tell them, "You know? you shouldn't be planing to play that much right now; Jesus Christ died today. It is not a day to celebrate." They remained silent for the rest of breakfast.
I don't blame my brothers for not knowing how to act on this day, but the environment they (or we) live in. For them, today is a break from school, not a religious day that should be observed with respect. It is against the law for public schools to make religious distinctions between "breaks" throughout the year, so instead they just call them "Staff Development Days" or other names.
This is why I think parents should be teaching their children the real meaning behind those "Staff Development Days" which only mean for the majority of the students "NO SCHOOL."
This brings me to another point: isn't it ironic how these "Staff Development Days" are only assigned during the Christian holidays? Don't you think the government is more involved in religion than what we think?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I might call this destiny. Just today I was writing an essay about my goals in life, where I said I wanted to help other people, and a few minutes ago I came across this awesome website :

The Bread Art Project: in this website, for every piece of "bread art" you make, $1 is donated to Feeding America.

Why should you type this address on your browser?
1. You are helping people in need.
2. It's fun.

I think this website is incredible because of its design (the graphics are amazing!), the creativity involved (who thought of creating art with bread to help save lives?) and its purpose.

Give up one minute, at least, of your precious time and make a good act!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today, as I was walking to class and thinking I had no idea what to write my blog about, I suddenly had to stop because I saw a threatening creature. A squirrel, who was obstructing my path. I have to say I'm usually not scared of squirrels, but this one scared me for a moment. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, I guess he (or she?) didn't either, so the encounter was a surprise to both of us. When I was passing by, the squirrel just stopped in a position of "attack," which really made me think I would be attacked by a tiny animal.This episode just lasted for, about 2 seconds? Maybe even less, but when I kept walking to class, I knew I had to write about it on my blog.

This event made me have a flashback to my childhood. I have to admit I get scared very easily, so my parents would always tell me, "Don't be afraid of insects/animals, who is bigger? They should be afraid of you, not you of them." Well, let me tell you that this quote, although it has offered some peace of mind and temporary relief, it hasn't made the terror go away. For example, whenever I see a cockroach I can't avoid running away. They repulse me. I can't stand wasps. I hate rats (yes, I lived in the countryside...and there were a lot of them just wandering around). I'm sorry I'm being so negative, but I can't help it. Why do they have to exist?

As I kept walking to my class, I reminded myself that I was the human being. The person that was bigger than the squirrel (or any other animal/insect that could cross my way this afternoon). I kept telling myself that I had to be strong.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Drum your heart out

This video reminded me of something as soon as my brother showed it to me (feeling of deja vu). It immediately made me think of a Nike commercial! Didn't you have the same feeling?
Look at the camera angles and, specially, look at the drummers' expressions.
If I was Nike's agency (Wieden+Kennedy) and I was looking to expand my market with a similar campaign to the "Freestyle" basketball ads (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to:, I would definitely use these guys! I mean, this video looks like the drummers need some nike t-shirts, and it's ready to air!
This video shows the talent that is out there and that, most of the times, is not easy to find. That's why websites like YouTube are facilitating the flow of creative ideas and expanding horizons. Take advantage of these opportunities! You never know who might be watching.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want to declare...

...a new major.
That's right, SMU, I want to declare a new major: Swimming. Here is why:
a) Comparing hours, I spend more hours at the pool than in a classroom everyday. The team has practice for 2 hours in the morning, then I have 2 or 3 classes, and then 2 more hours at the pool (although it sometimes extends). This semester I'm taking 16 hours of classes, and swimming? I don't even want to count the endless hours working out. It's definitely more than that.
b) When it is time to write resumes, I think student-athletes are at a disadvantage. We barely have spare time to do "extracurricular activities," so we have less "resume fillers." I have to speak for myself (but I know my teammates feel the same way...): I wake up (5:20 am!!), go to practice, go to class, eat lunch, go to practice, go to the weightroom/gym, have dinner, do some homework...and then? Go home and club meetings please!
I know declaring a Swimming major sounds silly, but think about it. The sum of the hours we practice is obviously more than the hours required to graduate with a BBA or a BA. Being an athlete is not an excuse to not being involved with the university, but there's a level of involvement that cannot be reached. I just hope that employers, whenever they see my not-super-filled resume, understand that academics and sports were the main focus of my college experience.