Sunday, February 1, 2009

Think about this tonight

Today is Super Sunday. Everyone is excited to watch not only the Super Bowl, but also those amazing ads. I can't wait to see what the companies that dared to pay 3 million dollars for 30 seconds will bring to our screens. Even though we will see very entertaining commercials, people's attitudes regarding advertising will probably remain same; they will continue to see this industry as a deceiving one.

Some ads tell us the truth, some others don't. That's the nature of selling, so why generalize that ads are corruptive?

Here's one of my favorite ads; it's an older one from Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. I think it exemplifies really well how advertising can be beneficent or maleficent. It just depends on our capacity to understand them.

So, this evening have fun, and remember that not all ads are the same.

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