Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Colorful Explosion

This ad is like the fountain show at the Bellagio, in Las Vegas, plus some 4th of July fireworks plus some of the most vivid colors you have ever seen. It's joy for the sight.

All these colors bring me to think about the country we live in. If you take a look around, you can probably see many different colors. From the colorful clothes that people wear to the beautiful, bright flowers that surround our nature; we can't escape these everyday happenings. And I'm not referring to the flashy colors, but just to the wide variety that exists.

When I first went to Europe, I took my huge, fluorescent green, American, winter jacket. It was embarrassing. This cultural difference is, as well, highlighted in movies. In P.S. I Love You Gerry says that when he met Holly for the first time in Ireland, "[he] never saw so many colors on one girl before." Holly was American.

Why does the U.S. have this tendency towards the rich colors?

I think it's because it reflects the big American Dream. Colors, to me, represent the happiness of the people that live here. It's a way to tell the world that they are part of an upbeat society advancing towards an even brighter future.
Think of the ad. When you see it, your day most likely will seem uplifted. At least that's what happened to me. The colorful explosion that we saw, is one that can be experienced whenever we walk down the street or go to the grocery store. So take advantage of that. Watch the colors that surround you and appreciate that you live in this country.

Oh. And I don't know what's up with the creepy clown.

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