Thursday, February 19, 2009

107.5's switch of ethnicity

Two days ago it was "Movin' one-oh-seven-five;" it is now "Mega ciento-uno-punto-siete."

Yesterday night as I drove down the street, I kept changing the radio stations...I need to mention that 107.5 is the #6 station saved in my car...until I found a good, old, Shakira song being played in the station that was supposed to be playing music in English! 107.5! I mean, I was used to pressing the number 6 and listening to Madonna, not Shakira.

Today, thanks to the wonders of Google, I found out that on Tuesday (February 17) the Dallas radio station changed its "ethnicity." It went from being a mainly white radio station to being a mainly Hispanic/Latino station. Now it plays Contemporary Spanish music instead of Pop and R&B.

Dallas, we now have a new radio station in Spanish. I don't know if this change occurred because of the current condition of the economy or due to the fact that the number of Spanish-speakers in DFW is increasing, but I would like to know. Maybe it's a combination of both. Maybe this new station, which is very good by the way, will attract more listeners and will make more money.

So, if you want to listen to good music in Spanish, click on the image to go to their "Live Radio." Or you can just listen to it from your car, or at home.

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