Monday, October 26, 2009


By Publicis Conseil, Paris for Orange:
This ad is so smart. And I love it.
I like how Publicis put the hearing and listening pieces together. The images are taken out of our daily lives, while the narrator has a very smooth voice & the background music is just perfect of this spot. My favorite part of the ad is when the lady starts her "fight" to walk. It's so inspiring.
I have to admit I was disappointed when I realized that the ad was advertising an internet service provider. I guess I was expecting something "smarter".

By Fallon Singapore for P2: multi-purpose contact lens solution:
This is comedy. I couldn't stop laughing when I found this ad. Just look at the baby's face!
The baby's expression looks very real, so I don't think it was computer generated. I think Fallon just went over many baby pictures trying to find the most appropriate one for their ad, and then just added the other images digitally. I can just imagine the creative team, laughing really hard when looking at all these funny babies.
This reminds me of Ogilvy's print ads for Pampers called "poopface" (if you haven't seen them, google them, you will laugh).

Saatchi & Saatchi
By Saatchi & Saatchi, Germany:
Another baby-related campaign. A more serious one.
In this one, Saatchi & Saatchi decided to show parents the struggles that babies go through every day by recreating their world.
In order to sit in this bench, adults have to climb it, just like a baby would.
I really like the campaign. It's very creative. What a better idea to make parents buy the Pampers brand than to show them that their kids need diapers that allow for a lot of movement? I don't think there's a better one. Thumbs up for Saatchi & Saatchi.

Leo Burnett
"Baby Ronald" by Leo Burnett, New Delhi, India:
Another baby one. But this one is creepy.
Leo Burnett launched this print ad when a new McDonald's opened in New Delhi. If you think about it, it's a clever idea. But, the baby Ronald is soo scary!
It's like a fusion of the Chucky doll and the clown from Steven King's It movie. Which brings me to a good idea, they should make a horror movie using this kid! Not to be mean, would make a pretty good Halloween movie.

Kaplan Thaler Group
"Dump Cupid" for Herbal Essences:
The cupid guy is so funny.
But I don't like the message Kaplan Thaler is propagating. They are saying that if you have a boyfriend, then you should have pretty hair in order for him to keep liking you. And if you are single, then it's probably because you don't have pretty hair. So, in both cases, you must buy Herbal Essences.
I'm sure that many single girls, after seeing the dumb cupid, went to fix their hair. Just in case.

Team One Advertising
For Boost Mobile:

Old people acting like they are young isn't cool anymore.
How many times have you seen this technique? Even if there aren't many ads out there using cool old people, it seems like there are because you get tired of the same formula.
The first time is always funny, then the joke gets old pretty quickly.
Let's try to avoid this, please?

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