Thursday, January 29, 2009

For every sweet tooth out there

You have to admit, there's always room for dessert. So, this time I wanted to share a video that I found on the Food Network webpage, it's for chocolate pizza. I know we are still on January and everyone is trying to stick to their New Year's resolutions, but it just looked sooo good. Giada De Laurentiis, host of "Everyday Italian," makes it on the video and it's not complicated at all. Plus, it includes Nutella...
I've always imagined our stomach as having two equal parts: on the left side is the part where all the "regular" food goes to, and on the right we have the "dessert" side. So, even if you are full after having a meal, you can always have dessert because there's space inside your stomach for it! That is what I used to tell my mom, it was a good excuse.
I think dessert was invented to give our day that needed "sweet twist". We can't go around feeling sour or dessert is a must!
I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Separation of Church and State...really?

Before becoming President, Barack Obama said, "The first thing I’d do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do." The FOCA is a bill that would take away every restriction on abortion in the U.S. That, to me, was a controversial statement.

I go to church every Sunday, but yesterday wasn't a normal service. The priest talked about FOCA during the homily (the sermon). Actually, he didn't give a lot of information about it, he just encouraged us to sign a petition to stop this bill. There were big stacks of postcards that we could "voluntarily" sign and he gave arguments to why we should sign and send them to our Senator and Representatives in Washington, D.C.

I do understand why the Catholic Church wants to stop it, but I still don't understand why we had to make a decision of whether we signed or not the petitions in that moment. Church and State should be separate entities. I'm not saying that we didn't have enough time to think about our choice; by now, we should all have an idea of what we believe in this matter. Are you "pro-life" or "pro-choice"? What I think is that religious services shouldn't deviate from their original purposes because of political matters. If our religious authorities think we need to have some information, then, what about pamphlets? A quick announcement at the end of the service would have been just enough to convince people to sign the petitions. The Church shouldn't be putting people on the spot like they did on Sunday. It didn't bother me signing it, it just bothered me that I couldn't listen to what I went to listen.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Are you bored?

I've been thinking lately about being bored. I used to have one of those really busy schedules. I mean, I even had to write "remember to sit & relax" on my planner so I wouldn't forget. A few weeks ago everything changed. My swimming career was put on hold for a couple of weeks (I swim for SMU so all my time is practically devoted to school and the team), and now I find myself with a lot of free time. I've been watching a lot of TV and doing a lot of facebooking, but even that gets boring. One day I saw my brothers trying to solve "The Impossible Quiz," so I wanted to share it with all of you who, like me, sometimes don't know what to do with their spare time. Try it, I find it very creative. It's novel (I had never seen a quiz like that before) and it has a purpose (it keeps me entertained!). Saul Steinberg said, "The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." I hope you like it.